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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 ASAGOLD
$3.66k mcap
Deployment progress: 5.56%
755 501 503 562 tokens left for sale1 086 out of 37 955 ALGO in the bonding curve
5 days ago
AsaGold is launching its token on All ASA token holders will benefit, as 29% of the earnings generated by protocol fees will be distributed among them. This initiative aims to provide additional value and returns to ASA token holders through the innovative platform
5 days ago
Give me a nice profit for once I got into an RWA project first
5 days ago
Tokenizing real world assets Algorand and the best, Asa Gold looks interesting.
5 days ago
Tooo theee moooonnnnn
5 days ago
I think I will make a nice income with this token. It's a great project done by a company who has a lot of experience
5 days ago
I think the idea of ​​commissions being distributed to cardholders is very interesting, I will follow this project closely
5 days ago
good project I think it will get listed
Block Made byVestige Labs