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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 BUN
$3.64k mcap
Deployment progress: 13.39%
692 865 272 430 tokens left for sale2 987 out of 41 622 ALGO in the bonding curve
Banī BUN
a month ago
Introducing Bani (BUN): The Token with Fluff and Fun!

Hop into the world of Bani (BUN), the meme token that's cuter than a basket of bunnies and more fun than a carrot-eating contest! With Bani in your wallet, you're holding a fluff-filled fortune. Bani brings smiles, laughter, and hop-timism to the crypto world. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just a curious bunny, BUN promises to multiply your happiness. Join the Bani revolution and let your portfolio bounce to new heights.
a month ago
Plan is to hodl till I die and maybe do some development down the line
a month ago
That means you won’t sell the initial buy you made or what’s the plan
a month ago
It should be noted that there will probably me no development with this coin, its just a pure meme coin to complete the meme trifecta. Cat memes, dog memes, and now bunny memes
Block Made byVestige Labs