≈ 0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 BOBER
$6.70k mcap
Deployment progress: 2.65%778 834 577 257 tokens left for sale496 out of 37 016 ALGO in the bonding curve
4 months ago Bober Kurwa: A hilarious Polish meme featuring a retro cartoon beaver, with typography inspired by Bobr's fame.
Top holdersby percentage of total supply
≈ 0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 BOBER
$6.70k mcap
Deployment progress: 2.65%778 834 577 257 tokens left for sale496 out of 37 016 ALGO in the bonding curve
Top holdersby percentage of total supply
Block Made byVestige Labs