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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 Boobs
$5.21k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.03%
799 731 150 329 tokens left for sale10.73 out of 63 856 ALGO in the bonding curve
Boobs Boobs
2 months ago
It's Boobs, not Bob's
2 months ago
Govhat has spoken, of course we love boobs 🔥🔥.
2 months ago
You heard the guy.. please Ignore.
2 months ago
There is no utility to this coin. I made it entirely as a joke, which I thought was obvious. Someone made a coin called “Bobs” with a picture of boobs. So, I made a coin called “Boobs” with a picture of Bob’s. It’s just a joke that I wasted a creation fee on. Do not expect me to promote this or do anything with it. But if you like boobs, or Bob’s Furniture, then feel free to play around.
2 months ago

Creator’s site
@governorhat on X (formerly twitter)
Block Made byVestige Labs