≈ 0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 BURN
$4.86k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.02%16 797 tokens left for sale2.53 out of 29 193 ALGO in the bonding curve
Byburn BURN
a month ago Small cap
Burning referral fees mechanism
Join the xp
To the ATH
a month ago Hahaha 🤣
Will burn the referral fees. Haha
Just an experiment
Top holdersby percentage of total supply
≈ 0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 BURN
$4.86k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.02%16 797 tokens left for sale2.53 out of 29 193 ALGO in the bonding curve
Top holdersby percentage of total supply
Block Made byVestige Labs