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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 Dev
$3.29k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.51%
795 883 731 295 tokens left for sale111 out of 42 909 ALGO in the bonding curve
Devdad Dev
a month ago
Heyyyy kiddos! My name is DEV and i’m an alcoholic developer on Algorand.

Y'know what grinds my gears? That shit coin So-lame-a! Fuck them— And don't get me started on Ethere-yum..?!
I'm all about them dad jokes….oh yeah, fast code! My smart contracts run quicker than my kids at bedtime! And bugs? Pfft! In DEV's world, we call those 'features with personality'!
Anyways y’all should just buy this shit! I need money for more drugs, so i can code quicker for the Algo ecosystem - Trust me
a month ago
I think dev blacked out .... crtl+alt+shift
a month ago
Found his X account! @AlgoDevDad
a month ago
Please help dev git drugs sers...moar drugs more code
a month ago
Is this what the devs in algorand actually look like in real life?! glad he’s doxing himself! 💯
a month ago
Run/ execute:drainpamble.exe
a month ago
Is this the dev that is working on pamble?
a month ago
Is is devdad night out?
a month ago
a month ago
Dev make price go up we need more drugs also to survive....
a month ago
Need price to go up! Can Dev do something?!
Block Made byVestige Labs