rug ninja logo
You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 GLZY
$5.55k mcap
Deployment progress: 3.13%
774 954 399 483 tokens left for sale1 045 out of 65 706 ALGO in the bonding curve
GlizzyCoin GLZY
2 months ago
Please ignore, just a test! 🌭🚀

In celebration of National Hot Dog Day and the awesomeness of Algorand Atomic Swaps, we present to you GlizzyCoin! Dive into the world of delicious digital delights where hot dogs and blockchain technology meet. Remember, it's all in good fun—join the sizzle and enjoy the ride with GlizzyCoin!
2 months ago

Super Bullish on this memecoin🚀
2 months ago
The same description on $JAWS “Please ignore, just a test” and also, this is the first dog memecoin that is getting deployed on rugninja🔥.
2 months ago
Just a test

Block Made byVestige Labs