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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 $Hwkth
$7.14k mcap
Deployment progress: 5.35%
757 212 223 104 tokens left for sale2 039 out of 74 211 ALGO in the bonding curve
Hawk Tuah $Hwkth
3 months ago
Just gotta hawk 'tuah and spit on that thang
3 months ago
Feels Good Man
3 months ago
3 months ago
I went to my local soothsayer, she had me roll some dye she lost consciousness with a few different colored crayons in her hand and this is what she drew
3 months ago
Come on everyone together we can give it that hawk tuah and spit on that thang!!!!
Block Made byVestige Labs