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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 Hydra
$6.64k mcap
Deployment progress: 6.50%
747 997 509 605 tokens left for sale2 539 out of 75 590 ALGO in the bonding curve
Hydra Hydra
2 months ago
Try and slay me
Hydra is going to eat up Ponchi and all other weak ass token mascots into LPs and increase the transaction rate
a month ago
Let's go while price is low.
a month ago
I'm in
2 months ago
looks like a good entry point..
2 months ago
Let’s send this puppy y’all!
2 months ago
Hydra, Deez nuts will never slay you.
Let us know how the weather is on the moon, looks like your blasting off
2 months ago
Machine heads engaged. Where's Dfart at? Someone tell Dale he needs a hydra.algo segment to compliment his Hydra of Ambition NFT. Let's Gooooo!
2 months ago
Thanks for the love from the Shinobi crew! First post is up on X detailing how it's easier then ever to become a head of the Hydra. Paying it all forward to the horde once we've made it 💹
2 months ago
Lookin' like ima have to join the horde this week.
2 months ago
The horde is growing
2 months ago
Let’s pamp this crew!
2 months ago
Become a new head of the hydra with rugninja.Hydra.algo NFD for only 15 algo!

Join the horde

Comon join the horde you know you want to 💚

Soon to be legacy NFD with nearly 50 segments holders, who's not to say potential for community coin in the future!

Look I'm no project with multiple people behind it like some of these... I'm just one beast that plans to stash his horde because I believe in algo
2 months ago
Feels Good Man
2 months ago
IF I were to fall, two more will rise in my place 🐉🐉
2 months ago
I will floss on your grave in front of your weeping children
Block Made byVestige Labs