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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 j200
$11.94k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.02%
799 828 761 834 tokens left for sale7.64 out of 71 367 ALGO in the bonding curve
JAWS 200 j200
7 months ago
j200 does not have any utility and it exists to showcase the power of It's a token generated by a team of Algorand maxis that believe JAWS can reach 200 cents per coin as it solves nothing but being a test of operations.
7 months ago
Nice!! Deez nuts wishes you the best of luck on your ride up to 200.
7 months ago
Feels Good Man
7 months ago
No intention of reclaiming anything beyond what I paid in... maybe not even that much. If it gets out of the bonding curve, all of my remaining tokens will go to LP.
Block Made byVestige Labs