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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 JTT
$5.43k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.02%
799 867 030 921 tokens left for sale5.47 out of 65 757 ALGO in the bonding curve
Just The Tip JTT
2 months ago
Let's make this tip climb!
2 months ago
Deez nuts would like to see where this goes.
2 months ago
Just the tip isn't enough to make me moist tho
2 months ago
--Straight white male--
--in search of bisexual female--
--for love relationship--
--long walks on the beach--
--a good book in front of the fire--
--and lots and lots of anal sex--
--send photo--
Block Made byVestige Labs