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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 PTR
$5.68k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.02%
799 868 459 972 tokens left for sale6.18 out of 75 197 ALGO in the bonding curve
2 months ago
A "PATRAK token" is a whimsical gadget resembling a golden coin embedded with tiny rubber ducks. Created by eccentric inventors in a parallel universe, it has the magical ability to deflate egos and inflated objects. The token, forged from mysterious materials and advanced technology, is a coveted item among collectors and enthusiasts. Though rare, its effects are practical and entertaining, ensuring peace and humility wherever used.
2 months ago
Feels Good Man
2 months ago
The Alien Signal: Set up an elaborate antenna made of tin foil and old TV parts. If you receive a signal from aliens, your PATRAK tokens will be worth a thousand times more by the next morning.
2 months ago
The PATRAK Dance: Perform the ancient PATRAK dance, which involves hopping on one foot while juggling three oranges. If you manage to do this for exactly 3 minutes, your tokens will triple in value overnight.
2 months ago
The Quantum Leap: Build a quantum computer out of cardboard and old motherboards. If it successfully mines one PATRAK block, your entire portfolio will increase a hundredfold.
2 months ago
The Magical Taco: Eat a taco every Tuesday while chanting “PATRAK-a-taco”. If the taco tastes especially magical, check your wallet for a surprise influx of tokens.
2 months ago
The Haunted ATM: Find an old, abandoned ATM and insert a PATRAK-themed debit card. If it dispenses ghost money, your tokens will double in value within the next full moon cycle.
2 months ago
Nobody understands why you invest in PATRAK. When the troll strokes your face, everyone will want to be you.
2 months ago
Create your business with PATRAK
Block Made byVestige Labs