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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 PBJ
$12.02k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.13%
798 937 437 656 tokens left for sale43.32 out of 65 188 ALGO in the bonding curve
PeanutButter&Jelly v2 PBJ
6 months ago
PBJ v2 = More tokens/ Much cheaper

PB&J v2: because every wallet deserves a tasty treat! Smooth transactions like spreading PB, returns as satisfying as jelly, and security as comforting as a cozy sandwich. Join us for a bite of crypto delight!

Peanut butter and jelly have been culinary soulmates since forever. They complement each other like yin and yang, Bert and Ernie, or bacon and... everything. PB&J Coin taps into this universal truth, offering smooth transactions and satisfying returns.
6 months ago
There is definitely something going on here! 30 New followers, 19 new notifications, 10 new DMs!

Get PB&J now!
6 months ago
PB&J is already blowing up on X!
Join us on X:
6 months ago
We have sponsors lining up and collaborators chopping at the bit to have a piece of this project. You NEED PB&J in your life now!
6 months ago
Peanut Butter & Jelly for President!
6 months ago
Now with its own video game!
Block Made byVestige Labs