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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 SHH
$5.97k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.14%
621 331 828 946 tokens left for sale54.68 out of 76 371 ALGO in the bonding curve
2 months ago
Silence ($SHH) is a unique meme cryptocurrency built on the power of quiet. The Silence community prides itself on maintaining a low profile, never boasting about the coin's existence. This secretive approach creates an exclusive club feel, with members communicating through silent gestures and cryptic messages. Despite its hush-hush nature, the community is vibrant and supportive, bound by mutual understanding and the thrill of being part of something special.
2 months ago
shhhhhh ;)
2 months ago
Feels Good Man
Block Made byVestige Labs