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0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 CSAW
$3.72k mcap
Deployment progress: 2.19%
7 824 875 693 tokens left for sale364 out of 32 927 ALGO in the bonding curve
See-saw CSAW
5 months ago
Life is a seesaw...up and down, like a stock market. Meme is inspired by a novel-SEESAW DERANGEMENT-
Max, a Philly inmate battles addictions with deranged episodes he doesn't quite comprehend. Proud roots and shameful circumstances alter his life's path— one riddled with resentments and an ancestral checkered past. Surrounded by unstable prisoners and his own unhinged echoing mind, jail offers what nothing else does—TIME— inevitable hardships, friendships, sobriety and ample reflection on life. 
Block Made byVestige Labs