≈ 0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 LIVIN
$4.08k mcap
Deployment progress: 1.92%784 602 428 991 tokens left for sale234 out of 24 037 ALGO in the bonding curve
Simple Livin LIVIN
2 months ago Waaayyy down south where I'm from, we know how to relax and eat! We call it 'simple livin'!
But no need to come all the way here for it! Anything that makes you feel calm and good is simply simple livin!
Top holdersby percentage of total supply
≈ 0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 LIVIN
$4.08k mcap
Deployment progress: 1.92%784 602 428 991 tokens left for sale234 out of 24 037 ALGO in the bonding curve
Top holdersby percentage of total supply
Block Made byVestige Labs