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Coin deployed!Liquidity burned a month ago
2 months ago
Tina is Tinymans Girlfriend, the fiancè you deserve
a month ago
a month ago
Hi guys!

The tinybaby was born
a month ago
I love Tina
a month ago
tiniest couple 😎
a month ago
Just thinking about.. my girl..
a month ago
For all I know Tina has a pea ness under that dress.
a month ago
Tina ☕️
a month ago
Rug me harder daddy
a month ago
a month ago
Let's bond this so we can put Tiny and Tina in a pool together
a month ago
Love the concept. Tiny deserves a Tina
a month ago
I use no social. Could you guys drop some information about the project heré?
a month ago

9 minted last time I checked.
a month ago
Segment link?
a month ago
So everytime a segment is sold 1.5 bill are purchased and added to tinywoman wallet which is then dropped to segment holders? Just trying to understand.
a month ago
Let's go $TINA, make your boy proud.
a month ago
Revenue from segments will be used to buy TINA in the bonding curve

Once TINA bonds, segments will be locked and tinywoman.algo's bag will be shared amongst segment holders

Segment Holders: 1
Buy Backs: +1.5B $TINA
Current Bag 💰: 18B (1.8 of supply%)

Current Airdrop Value 🪂: $133
2 months ago

2 months ago
We're King of the Hill 💪

also secured tinywoman.algo 🚀
2 months ago
2 months ago
Drop social link
2 months ago
Follow us on X

2 months ago
Lfg, this one will hit tinyman hard.
Block Made byVestige Labs