rug ninja logo
You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 Trump
$5.72k mcap
Deployment progress: 2.29%
781 696 039 692 tokens left for sale860 out of 74 298 ALGO in the bonding curve
Trump on Algorand Trump
2 months ago
Trump election token on Algorand
2 days ago
Lfg Trump 2024
2 months ago
Lets go!
2 months ago
Feels Good Man
2 months ago
Definitely not the first trump coin on $ALGO
2 months ago
Website is Live!
2 months ago
When website?
2 months ago
Well if this is the first #Trump memecoin on Algorand. It definitely is going to pump like crazy.
2 months ago
2 months ago

Sorry the earlier link is invalid. This is the official telegram group for Trump on Algorand.
2 months ago

Telegram is now live
2 months ago
Lets make this the first meme coin to hit a Billion marketcap on Algorand. Website will be ready by the weekend.
2 months ago
Alright. I am in. This could be our Trump on algo akin to solana. Lets make Algorand great again! Lets fly!
2 months ago
Lets make this the official Trump meme coin on Algorand.
Block Made byVestige Labs