rug ninja logo
You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 AFOLIO
$3.80k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.17%
798 662 986 586 tokens left for sale22.23 out of 26 585 ALGO in the bonding curve
Algofolio AFOLIO
a month ago
Effortlessly track and analyze your Algorand wallet performance! Monitor multiple wallets in one place and optimize your portfolio with ease.
a month ago
yeah - not coming back, is he.... at least I gave him a chance!
a month ago
You do you, but dev already rugged, so dont wait for anyone coming back (even if the dev would).
a month ago

Let's see. Worst case I sell again in a few days and get _most_ of my Algo back - best case - dev is an _actual_ dev - and will build the next vestige/Asastats. Seems like a reasonable risk reward?
a month ago
Bro are you stupid? Dev pulled out long time ago and website is not running anymore.
a month ago

You may well be right govhat - I'm taking 'a punt' on a dev, probably still at school learning Algo and how RN works and getting put off by the community.

Your reading of the situation is likely correct - I'm way too trusting! - but if it isn't - it's a low risk high reward play at the moment?
a month ago
Algofolio.algo - I think you got a lot of fud yesterday. Are you are still building?

If you are - you've managed to clear out the farmers (for now) - if you buy back in a small percentage it'll help people trust again after you bailed.

It seems a shame to waste all that effort because of feedback on a prototype. You are attempting something much harder than a meme coin - people should respect that.

If you carry on think about your unique selling point - Asastats and Vestige both have wallet trackers - what makes yours different? How will AFOLIO be used to add value to the app? You will likely need to run your own indexer - so will need income.

I'm gonna throw some Algo in and leave them until I'm sure you have actually given up - because this has potential.
a month ago
Dev has made multiple other rugs. Here are his other wallets (that I currently know of). Only the first is likely to bare fruit in IDing.




a month ago
are you still salty mf lmao
a month ago
1inch.pp shilling rugs and acting like a expert.. fuckin tards
a month ago
why the fuck would you sell dev. this would've easily bonded lmao
a month ago
Thought as much

Pro Jeeter
a month ago
a month ago
We are trying to build the first fully functional Algorand wallet tracker, apparently its not functioning flawless now but we are working on it. Once everything is functioning 100% fine we will expand and add more functions and work on the tokenomics.
a month ago
Same with NFTS
a month ago
Rug this project on 3d3h let him also feel the pain of being rugged
a month ago
No movement here
a month ago
I'll also reiterate that people just bonded a bullshit emoji token today. that's the comp for this token 🤣
a month ago
Top5 having 30%+ of the total supply also not promising.
a month ago
Working on it. Im personally not experiencing issues. But if anyone has any errors please dm them. In the mean time we are looking into it.
a month ago
they said they are still in school and the market cap is $13k, you can barely get a used car for that much right now lmao can't expect flawless execution at this stage
a month ago
Feels off to have these issues after launch. Dev mentioned worked on it for a while. Should have been a working product on launch
a month ago
3d3h is a time bomb waiting to go off. I warned you
a month ago
my bad, good luck with the launch
a month ago
the node endpoint is probably being rate limited. give them some time to look into it and fix it
a month ago
Wasn’t talking to you. I appreciate your feedback. Thanks.
a month ago
Is it even working for anyone?
I tried multiple wallets and all gets the following error:
“No wallet data available. Please try refreshing.”
a month ago
just some constructive feedback dude. how to you take criticism says a lot about a founder
a month ago
Will check thanks.
a month ago
Like I said, we’re building and just presented a working application. Buy if you want. Sell if you want. We’re here to build.
a month ago
will the dev be making any rap songs?
a month ago
I also think you need to check your node API endpoints. the website doesn't update portfolio stats anymore and the profit loss calculation is just wrong
a month ago
a month ago
you need to work on the tokenomics asap but I'm always down to support a new and talented dev
a month ago
That's not a great answer tbh
a month ago
Beware of 3d3h
a month ago
For now it’s just to support the project. But eventually we would like to incorporate the token into the application. Probably Governance, locked features. Not sure yet.
a month ago
I agree with this, what are your plans? I like the quality and design of the website but what's the long term plan
a month ago
Im a blockchain dev still in school. Dove into algo and didn’t see any wallet trackers or anything like that so that gave me idea.
a month ago
Since this asa isn't mentioned in the roadmap you've been workin on why don't ya give the folks some idea of what your vision for this is.
a month ago
who are you dev? are you new to the chain or is this a side project?
a month ago
what are you on about, I didn't respond to you before now
a month ago
Only way to deal with the fud. The product is out there for people to test and use, if you don't like it move on
a month ago
lol 1.akpp is also 6ZY52C wallet.
Good thing the shiller bought with two wallets.
a month ago
We’re building and just presented a working application. Buy if you want. Sell if you want. We’re here to build.
a month ago
NFTs.. 0234...farmings. Dump it.
a month ago
i'm one of the most skeptical people on this site. I just know when things are real vs not though you do you
a month ago
I get it, 1.akpp shilling this scam because he holds 7% and also the top holder. You can do anything to pump your bag. This is scammy asf!
a month ago
just today we had a coin with a cow and shit emoji bond lmao and you're shitting on a real product launch instead
a month ago
so much fud from someone that doesn't even use rug ninja
a month ago
Are you guys dumb!, do you know how long it takes for a product like this to be put to use. The website isn’t even working. Dev made the twitter 6hrs ago and he launched with a fresh wallet.
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