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Coin deployed!Liquidity burned 2 months ago
2 months ago
Hello, you have reached Based Department.
2 months ago
2 months ago
At a concert now or I would write a longer note. But just wanted to thank you all who helped get this over the line. I am looking forward to working with you to make this something more than a flash in the pan. Let’s have fun, make fun content, and hopefully get some gains along the way.

Also, if you are looking at the Vestige chart, it looks like dagger, but the price doesn’t match what the last traded price was on RugNinja. So, unless some pamped it as soon as it bonded, it couldn’t have started at .0000075. Just compare the Rug Ninja and Vestige charts and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Anyway. Thank you and let’s fucking go.
2 months ago
Loading up
2 months ago
Based! Based! Based!
We all need Based pfp's!
2 months ago
Would rather have bitches jeet now than after it bonds. I want to meme the fuck out of this thing (not just in Algorand) and have people who want to do the same (rather than people who want flip early for table scraps).

Follow the Based Twitter accounts. Help make funny content. Make a Based PFP.

I’m working on a handful of things that will make this easier. If I can squeeze time in I’m probably going to remix Solana’s shitty commercial to clown on them.

Let’s fucking go boys.
2 months ago
Who the fook is dumping
2 months ago
I'm going to donate my profits to the Ukrainian Kielbasa foundation for better sausage.
2 months ago
2 months ago
I’m going to donate the creator’s wallet to Stand With Ukraine. 🇺🇦

Thank you for your support George!
2 months ago
Do it do it
2 months ago
Hey, you all want to watch me trigger
2 months ago

Looks like that Squirrel has been waiting for that $100k BTC for too long now! 😂
2 months ago
Lfg 🚀🚀🚀
2 months ago
Only 25% to go!!

Good Night from Deez Nuts, lets see what moon base Based will build once it lands on the lunar surface.
2 months ago

Absolutely my friend!
2 months ago
I'm in
2 months ago
Thank you sir.
2 months ago

What a sexy, hairy, skinny knee, sir!
2 months ago
Agreed Based is the way Deez Nuts likes.. Next in line to go from the based to the moon
2 months ago
This is gonna moon, do not fade
2 months ago
Ok, FINU was cool, ahahahahaha!

Let's do Based now!
2 months ago
Wen pamp sirs!? Weird scorpion sucker for good luck.
2 months ago
I need dat bondage sir!
2 months ago
Wen bond, sir?
2 months ago
Let's go, poors, buy more!
2 months ago
Based Staci is thinking of running for Senate. Here’s the campaign ad. It looks like shit, but what did you expect?
2 months ago
Over 50% LFG!
2 months ago
Wen deploy? Can the devs do something?
2 months ago
Y'all should take this thing up fasssstttt!!!!!!
Let's get out of the bonding curve
2 months ago
wen bond?
2 months ago

Based shit!
2 months ago
52% lets go
2 months ago
2 months ago
Halfway LFG 🔥
2 months ago
Let's go daddy, my prostate is ready!
2 months ago
Feels Good Man
2 months ago
Get your own $BASED PFP. Or don't. IDGAF
2 months ago
Next bond is here
2 months ago
Got some, let's go mzfkers!
2 months ago
This is the one
2 months ago
aped in
2 months ago
If GovHat is behind this it's gotta be based. Let's get this thing unlocked.
2 months ago
Legit project
2 months ago
Legit project
2 months ago
Follow @basedstaci, @basedvitalik, @basedtoly, and @basedcharles69 for shenanigans
2 months ago
2 months ago
LFG 🚀📈💰.
Block Made byVestige Labs