rug ninja logo
You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 BoboGuy
$4.00k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.19%
798 468 301 603 tokens left for sale23.32 out of 24 332 ALGO in the bonding curve
BoboGuy BoboGuy
a month ago
Bobo Guy is a popular meme coin that has gained attention for its humorous and relatable branding, centered around the iconic "Bobo" character. Representing the everyday investor's ups and downs in the crypto world, Bobo has become a symbol of perseverance, humor, and community spirit. With its lighthearted approach and strong online presence, the coin has attracted a loyal fanbase, making it more than just a cryptocurrency
a month ago
You’re one to talk you dirty scamming bastard. 8.5k algo you dumped. Karma is a bitch, you will be served.
a month ago
dev dumped
Block Made byVestige Labs