775 947 120 302 tokens left for sale326 out of 21 382 ALGO in the bonding curve
Dax Community Dax
6 hours ago
If you haven't heard of Dax you need to go check out his music on Spotify. Once you hear it you will see why I created this fan club/community token. He also has the ability to bring a lot of attention to Algorand. This is an experiment to see if we can reach the masses. Let's be heard!
4 hours ago
Maybe jump on a space and request to speak for a moment?
Also remember, I am first mover at trying something like this. I should get credit for at least trying something different. I could have made Cumrocket, or Cameltoe. But this has more potential imho.
5 hours ago
To answer your question of why would they buy this token. Say you have heard of crypto but you are not activiely engaged. Then you hear there is a popular crypto currency centered around one of your favorite artists. Wouldn't you be more interesrted and at least check it out if not buy some? This is not an overnight success story. This is a grind, but if we are successful it will really pay off for both Dax and Algorand. Dax gets more eyes on him and likewise Algorand.
5 hours ago
Just so everyone knows, I am not giving up on this. Its always volitile this early. I am putting in work on twitter. Please follow and share so we can gain some traction. Dont buy too much this early it will be volitile and I don't want to see anyone lose money.
5 hours ago
Lets bond this and next a song about this and algorand lfg
like I'm genuinely asking what the plan is beyond reach fans
5 hours ago
Buy a small amount hold, then be active on twitter, It was called raiding and shilling in the early days of crypto. No one seems to know how to do that anymore.
You dont get the broad picture. If this can reach the attention of Dax then we have 350k potential buyers. Its not an overnight success story. You need to have some sort of conviction in what you are buying.
Dax.algo you're right. Shortsighted people on this chain. Go do this on Solana trust me they'll get the vision. Good luck and well done this was a great idea. Hope you one day get dax.algo in Dax' hands.
5 hours ago
Plans are to onboard new people to Algorand. I am trying to bring attention to Algo through his fans. If this doesnt die today because of Bot's it is doable.