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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 FLA
$2.78k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.00%
799 994 603 826 tokens left for sale0.078 out of 23 074 ALGO in the bonding curve
FairLaunchAlgorand FLA
2 months ago
An innovative ecosystem redefining fairlaunches on the Algorand blockchain. Our mission is to provide creators and users with a transparent, secure, and barrier-free platform for launching projects. With a community-first design and a focus on fairness, AlgoLaunch empowers inclusive access to investment opportunities and promotes the sustainable growth of the crypto ecosystem. The future of decentralized launches starts here!
30% of the dev wallet used to development.
Staking, community and more
2 months ago
>>2691270756 Real project and ur father gay
2 months ago
Fake + gay
Block Made byVestige Labs