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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 FRANK
$3.61k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.00%
3 060 755 tokens left for sale0.078 out of 24 515 ALGO in the bonding curve
Fuck Frank DeGods FRANK
2 months ago
Fuck Frank DeGods ($FRANK) - the memecoin that gives Frank DeGods the middle finger!

Asked if Algorand could hack it as a memecoin, but can Frank even get it up?

We'll verify and have a laugh, but Frank's a little bitch and in no fucking way involved with this coin.

2 months ago
Gonna assume those last two are not dumping.
2 months ago
Hey, this started to test the UI and learn a bit… but now I see some people might’ve already sold at a loss. Others are still holding, but I don’t think it’ll bond, and they’ll probably end up selling at a loss too.

Im not sure this is a good idea, but it’s what I came up with.

I’m gonna buy some with wallet MLZKEQOAEGHFMXI26A6SKIQVWUTHFRTLSWHN4FPQUIGYR6CEGY5GQOV6OA and try to bump the price up as much as I can so those still in can get out.

If still end up losing money, I’m sorry.
2 months ago
I’m not selling, and my 1% will be used for staking on Cometa after it bonds and we get verified.

Bots seem out
2 months ago

It really does.

Do those bots buy and sell everything like this?

Started as soon as it launched.
2 months ago
Well the chart does resemble a middle finger.
2 months ago
3825968 supply

Who knows why?
Block Made byVestige Labs