rug ninja logo
You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 GF
$0k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.00%
80 000 000 tokens left for sale0 out of 73 024 ALGO in the bonding curve
GeorgeFeb GF
8 months ago
The one and only GeorgeFeb!

The OG!

The Master!

Simply The Best!

The craziest Russian in town!

Bond that curve hard, AlgoFamians!

Show me how much you love me! 😍

Love me or hate me, you still love me! 😌

Hundred million supply!
8 months ago

It doesn't because there are a lot of identical unit names!
8 months ago
Doesn't GF conflict with Get Fucked token by DC
8 months ago
To get the OG GF role on the Discord, yeet 200A, post a transaction in the general chat, get the role to the private chat where all the good stuff happens! Everything goes! 😈
Block Made byVestige Labs