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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 GMY
$4.16k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.00%
799 994 731 446 tokens left for sale0.091 out of 27 502 ALGO in the bonding curve
GoldenMonkey GMY
2 months ago
In the Algorand blockchain, Golden Monkey, a brave protector with golden fur, defended the network from corruption. When villains Monko and Ballsack infiltrated, aiming to destabilize the system, Golden Monkey fought back. He discovered their hidden "Node Z" and faced Monko in a fierce battle. With his "Algorand Hammer," he purged the corrupt code, destroying Node Z and defeating the villains. The blockchain was safe again, and Golden Monkey's legend lived on as its eternal guardian.
2 months ago
it’s a real story bro🫡
2 months ago
Buying just for that great comic you put in my mind, hahaha well done sir.
Block Made byVestige Labs