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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 HM
$5.67k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.24%
798 059 585 383 tokens left for sale87.20 out of 71 813 ALGO in the bonding curve
Heavy Metal HM
2 months ago
This coin is to support mental health. Without music, the world would be chaotic.
2 months ago
Thank you!!
2 months ago
Thank you!
2 months ago
This is a good idea! I’m all for it.
2 months ago
Heavy Metal to the moon!!
2 months ago
So happy to see this coin HM - I recommend everyone to get some — don’t miss out!!!!
2 months ago
No social

Block Made byVestige Labs