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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 PAPE
$1.71k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.32%
797 452 033 656 tokens left for sale17.34 out of 10 869 ALGO in the bonding curve
3 months ago
Hear ye, hear ye! Gather 'round, ye peasants of Algorand! I present to you the one, the only, $PAPE.

The OG, the legend! He's not just survived the bear market; he's made those scars into a tapestry of green candles!

Known across the land as the master of diamond hands, $PAPE is the coin that turns every bearish growl into a bullish roar! To the moon, my friends, to the moon with $PAPE!
3 months ago
$Pape was never a rug on sol. When we created the idea behind it we told everyone in our cabal group that it was a fair launch. Dev did not buy at launch and we were even late to buy with 2 sol due to slippage. My idea was to launch on algorand because I have the rights to the art and the name.

So, to clear you on that, $PAPE isn’t a rug on Solana.
3 months ago
Pape 🔥
3 months ago
New meta, create socials for rug on Sol but launch on algo. Wow
3 months ago
How to pronounce Pape = Pa + P = Pape

We are all PAPEs
3 months ago
Block Made byVestige Labs