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You have 0.000000 ALGO
β‰ˆ 0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 HUCT
$3.41k mcap
Deployment progress: 4.51%
763 928 768 157 tokens left for sale960 out of 41 633 ALGO in the bonding curve
Pamble HUCT
a month ago
Newest DEX on ALGO has arrived
a month ago
A lucky ice cream to go on vestige
a month ago
a month ago
New alpha buy PRIM superior Kwuality tokun.
a month ago
Tinybaby had 3k mcap? This is going to bond. Best wishes to tinycat, tho.
a month ago
Algorandmillionaire just threw tinybaby out with the bathwater. Sure he'll dump this on y'all too. 😹
a month ago
Tinybaby TIBY was born.
a month ago
let's finish it boss
a month ago
Wtf lol let’s finish this fucker πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†
a month ago
Bonding to take place in d next 48hrs where are the pamble armies let fucking bond dis
a month ago
Hey guys, come and check new meme of dogs MUTT vira lata. being deployed
a month ago
Could become a pretty cool meme!

Shoulda set a million supply, or at least a billion!
a month ago
It's suspected.
a month ago
a month ago
Is dev the main developer for pamble?
a month ago
Hi guys, I invite everybody to buy
This is your chance to get in early on a coin. Don’t miss out to ride the wave of progress.
a month ago
Greg can I interest you in a SMOL Cat?
a month ago

You don't say!

It's a new approach for the Governance token

Mfers gotta fkn bond it themselves

Pamble Huct Tuah that biatch
a month ago
Havent been so bullish on a dex since algodex
a month ago

The best!
a month ago
Let's bond this thang!
a month ago
a month ago
Wow. Dev fudding own project. Bullish AF TBH...
a month ago
Confirmed, vestige dev launched Pamble (HUCT)
a month ago
Good project
a month ago
also, PLEASE don't gamble your life savings away on this
a month ago
im just memeing sers
a month ago
Holly shit, Grzracz is vestige dev and he is also minted Pamble (HUCT). Is this a new dex coin on Algorand FR!
a month ago
What's this about now?
Block Made byVestige Labs