A strategy to help rebuild communities in Western North Carolina and restore hope supported by Outsyde Global. All proceeds generated from the launch of NCWECARE will be directed to western North Carolina to help rebuild and restore hope to the hardest hit areas.
Token supply will be sold incrementally after token launch for capital to support rebuilding efforts.
DEV Tokens will be held in a wallet specifically for the cause after launch.
a month ago
Sorry, all holdings have *now been moved to the charitable wallet.
a month ago
>>2736219160 There were only two wallets and all holdings have not been moved to one wallet solely for charitable purposes. A non profit DAO will be setup next.
a month ago
>>2738324811 Yes, we will be bringing someone on to build out the socials now that it’s deployed. Thank you for the kind words. 🙏🏼
a month ago
What a mystery. No one has removed money and the marketcap is still falling
Well, dev try to create socials to create awareness for more people to join the charitable cause. If you're true to your word, then you're a great human and I look forward to playing my own part too in anyway I can
a month ago
Devs now got 70%ish
a month ago
This guy is going to self deploy 😂
a month ago
This is not an attempt to “rug innocent farmers”. If you don’t want to participate then just move on. We will bond this and use the token for charitable purposes whether you like it or not.
a month ago
This is the funniest project of all time🤣 All in a bid to rug innocent farmers, you're pumping your token with alts wallets. Imagine a newbie entering here with 1k algo 🤣🤣🤣
You seem to think everyone on algorand is stupid. Can see very clearly what your doing your the one who's stupid to think otherwise
a month ago
Because outsyd really needs another asa to dump on people.
a month ago
Algor.algo no one is forcing you to participate. Thanks.
a month ago
Dev actually has 32.5 percent as the 2nd top wallet is his aswell
a month ago
So you want to rug us to help new care lol p of just go donate your 22.5% worth off algo to them if you care
a month ago
The goal of NCWECARE is to help those that lost everything to historic flood waters. If you don’t have anything nice to say then move on. No one is forcing you to participate in NCWECARE.
Some of you should be ashamed to represent Algorand this way.
a month ago
Lol. Ruggers mother fuckerss
a month ago
I’m going to ensure NCWECARE is successful and I have the resources to do it. If you don’t like it then just scroll on by.
a month ago
Funniest project of all time 😂😂😂 I should be renamed dumb if I buy this.
a month ago
theres a special place in hell if dev rugs this
a month ago
LMAO Dev got 22.5%
a month ago
I am the CEO and Founder of Outsyde Global and this is an issue that is very near and dear to me as I am from the mountains of NC.
Enclosed is the GoFund me for the family which we are adopting in Avery county, NC. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-cody-cook-rebuild-after-hurricane-helene
a month ago
Algor.algo I am the CEO and Founder of Outsyde Global and grew up in the mountains of NC. This issue is one that is very near and dear to me.
We have adopted a family That lost everything and we are working to help them rebuild. They are located in Avery County, NC.