I think this isn’t going to bond - I’m only one person and this doesn’t have the momentum needed. I have a day job, and I realize I probably can’t give this sufficient cheerleading to get it over the line. The longer this goes on the more risk people lose out to jeeters and sniping bots.
I’ll make sure I am the last one to sell, and I sincerely apologise if anyone has lost out.
Jeeteth not I telleth you cyberamoeba, else dismal times will engulf you.
a month ago
So close to front page
a month ago
Ok I’m back. I’ll ride to the end. Hopefully it’s up not down.
a month ago
We know what we are but know not what we may be.
a month ago
The forthcoming months I shall be a buying And little by little to bondage take this little coin
a month ago
‘Be not afraid of greatness, some are born great, some achieve greatness and others have greatness thrust upon them’
a month ago
"For upon the hollow meme that rounds the mortal temples of a degen keeps death its court."
a month ago
Bard - bring the masses I beseach you
a month ago
Sorry Bard. I recommend you keep grinding on X and we will build a better foundation.
a month ago
BARD is tempeth, but I don't want to get ruggethed and have to say, "Not enough gold me lord", to the king again..
a month ago
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that buys this token with me Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition: And gentlemen in England now a-bed Shall think themselves accursed they did not buy $BARD
a month ago
Jeeters minions have exited doth building.
a month ago
Now is the winter of our discontent Let these hands of paper depart
a month ago
>>2682801463 and the first one to zero, i see goodhands has 12% girlbye
a month ago
Let’s push guys - main ruggers are currently not holding
Put your bags in jelly goodhands and solid holders are there and thank me kater
a month ago
For the love of God’s mercy, cease thy wretched wailing and clamp thy bawdy mouths, lest I be driven to madness by thy tiresome clamors!
a month ago
I'll give you an address, 6RUR, then you can show up with all your fudge packing friends. And maybe somebody will lose their life. Sound like a good compromise? You're targeting everyone else we're not targeting you. We've just mentioned the facts and you just keep on digging yourself deeper.
a month ago
Now let’s buy it back mfers, wild bill the bard is wanting this to bond
a month ago
6RUR, is a turd. What's that oh this is your last comment, just like this is your last buy-in. You're so fucking hilarious.
a month ago
There he goes - RUR out again! Good riddance, go back to your Nigerian cold call scams.
a month ago
The others who were selling are doing what you're doing so why complain because they're getting the upper hand this time around? Don't worry they'll be plenty of cock left for you to suck.
a month ago
See people are waking up, they're noticing that you nabobs are disingenuous. Playing the heart violin to make people think that you're innocent. Original sin, no one's innocent.
a month ago
So you’re not noticing others who are selling, right? But you keep tagging us as if we’re the only ones. Lol. I’m the one you’re targeting and wasting energy replying to. Let me make this clear—you don’t have the right to tell people what to do with their money. It’s their money, and they can use it however they see fit. Just like no one is stopping you from buying or selling, you should let others make their own choices.
Keep ranting and crying all you want; this will be my final reply to you all.
a month ago
drink water
a month ago
>>2682756400 Okay like that's even a reason to hate on somebody because they haven't been in the top five of any coin? As if that judges character these days? You have no character. You left your coin in jelly overnight and then got rugged when you came back in the morning. That's not what happened. You haven't left an investment in any token, You buy in when it's at 60% and then like clockwork your liquidating as soon as that percentage reaches 65% or 70%. Oh but I guess I'm just like spooky because I haven't been a major part of any token on rug ninja yet. I guess what I have to say isn't valid because of we have never been a major part of any token. There's plenty of people like that out there but you've made it impossible now.
a month ago
>>2682766497 You are not even in the top 20 holders, you invested more in this message fee than in Shalgospeare 😂
a month ago
Holdeth all thine forked tongue, Allowth cooler heads to prevail. We shall bondeth afore too long, And rise above this conflict’d tale
a month ago
Thought you were out RUR? Such a bullshitter. Shakespeare would burn you over a necked flame.