Shinobi Tokens are used exclusively, along with native Algorand tokens, to gain access to the Shinobi Bot.
The Shinobi Bot is designed to exceed the standards of the Bonk Bot on Solana, which, at the time of writing, is valued at $1.8 billion. Shinobi bot assists members by offering seamless options for sniping newly released tokens, buying and selling tokens/NFTs, and many more complex functionalities such as LP pairing and staking.
Website under construction, please visit out Discord link!
2 months ago
7 months ago
It was that only think on Solana that seemed to work—all for this and liked their bot.
7 months ago
Nice Project, deez nuts can't wait to see the website. This would be a game changer for algo.
7 months ago
>>2171962508 George, I hate your racism and misogyny, but I love your enthusiasm for Algo. You are like a Gremlin that we need to keep away from the civilized folk.
PS. Your lack of rage at me giving all my BASED to Stand for Ukraine is concerning. I've now decided to use it to directly fund Chechen Rebels.