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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 FLATBUTT
$4.41k mcap
Deployment progress: 0.00%
1 039 994 543 tokens left for sale0.078 out of 29 654 ALGO in the bonding curve
SwiftHiltonKlumFlatButt Inu FLATBUTT
2 months ago
SwiftHiltonKlumFlatButt Inu

The coin with butts flatter than a pancake at IHOP!

In a world obsessed with curves, we're here to celebrate the pancake posteriors of Taylor, Paris, and Heidi.

Forget the hourglass; we're all about the flat bottom line.

Invest in flatness!

Where less is definitely more and the memes are already made for us.

Flat today, flat forever!
2 months ago

If it were any flatter, it would be indented.
2 months ago
Definitely a flat butt
Block Made byVestige Labs