≈ 0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 TAPE
$4.85k mcap
Deployment progress: 1.53% 787 754 559 338 tokens left for sale222 out of 28 789 ALGO in the bonding curve
ZGVH 5EW... QPW UOKE a month ago #2675723473
So as I understand it, a meme creator can only and should only create 1 meme ever. RICH is my first creation and will always be supported. 6V4Z MIB... O2I JIMY a month ago #2675694834
U can bond dis and added ur low buy to Lp to make d token lp strong @rich dev 6V4Z MIB... O2I JIMY a month ago @rich dev wen bond dis for us wen working earnestly on rich to be among top token on algo echo system 6V4Z MIB... O2I JIMY a month ago #2675688958
Wasn’t expecting a new token from u with rich still in bad shape 3QY2 JJ4... OHO UVBA a month ago Come to NIPS guys good hands is here leave these jeeters ZDI7 ATH... 2EX YWQY a month ago >>2675665102 Nips would have done well because it was an OG project but the fud about the creator was true and clear. I just didn't want to sell on the buyers during the fud because I was the first or second buyer, when everyone is out of NIPS then maybe I'll sell. ZGVH 5EW... QPW UOKE a month ago #2675663564
Memes is about a state of mind...let your creative juices flow, Build. Like. Buy. Hodl. Too many folks are afraid...just have fun!!!! ZDI7 ATH... 2EX YWQY a month ago #2675662682
>>2675657357 You haven't done anything with RICH, your promises are made but not fulfilled yet. You gotta stick with $RICH and let the name(Rich) create the hype. ZGVH 5EW... QPW UOKE a month ago I still support RICH. Locked all my holdings in LP. Trying out new ideas...this is memes....you got to make memes if Algorand wants to have a meme ecosystem. Look at pump.fun. There are thousands of memes created a day. We got to build a meme culture in Algorand. Let's have some FUN!!!! ZDI7 ATH... 2EX YWQY a month ago >>2675654763 I'm not going to put my money into what 3KNDS & CRHT... Both wallet are controlled by a paperhand fxcker. ZDI7 ATH... 2EX YWQY a month ago >>2675641846 Vi.algo, Why minting another asa when you already did with $RICH and even the name is bullish asf. I never believed you're going to create another meme, i thought the plans was to build $RICH and get it on CMC & dexscreener as you've promised. HG23 ZWO... VIH 7JBU a month ago #2675647089
No one else suspicious that the accounts saying to 'bond this now' don't own any? 😂 2X5F D5V... 5BM LAWQ a month ago #2675631992
>>2675620041 Yeah, super big meme potential bro, lets send it to the MOON!!!! This will be bigger than MONKO!!!!!! LETS GO BOIS, BOND IT!!!! OWHN V7U... GV3 WR6U a month ago We all fools here not being a dick just saying boy gone swipe ya 2X5F D5V... 5BM LAWQ a month ago #2675619859
https://vestige.fi/asset/2668760688 Yeah, beautiful chart. Let's go for a new one! 2X5F D5V... 5BM LAWQ a month ago #2675617054
Let's go guys, dump on NSFW so he can feel the love of losing once. I6LG W2C... OQJ UWDQ a month ago #2675613316
Never leave home without them? What does that even fucking mean. Top holders by percentage of total supply
≈ 0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 TAPE
$4.85k mcap
Deployment progress: 1.53% 787 754 559 338 tokens left for sale222 out of 28 789 ALGO in the bonding curve
Top holders by percentage of total supply
Block Made by Vestige Labs