rug ninja logo
You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 SMOL
$3.52k mcap
Deployment progress: 3.74%
7 700 869 tokens left for sale791 out of 41 535 ALGO in the bonding curve
a month ago
Tiny and Tina's pet, he is a SMOL Cat
a month ago
Unlike some recent launches I DO intend on doing something with this coin if It bonds.
a month ago
a month ago
I have bought tinycat.algo NFD and opened up segments if enough ppl buy one to cover my cost I will gift it to the dev. I did mint this one for myself 😺
a month ago
Hi guys, I invite everybody to buy
This is your chance to get in early on a coin. Don’t miss out to ride the wave of progress.
a month ago
Upon a successful launch (SMOL) tokens purchased by Meowerum.algo will be divided equally and airdropped to Meowereum.algo NFD segment holders.
Currently Meowereum.algo holds 562,956 Tokens. Segments are now priced at $100 USD.
At the time of writing each segment purchased is equal to 628 Algo, we will apply the full sale proceeds to purchase SMOL from Rug Ninja thereby increasing the holdings of the Meowereum.algo account.
This should speed the bonding process and prevent constant flipping in and out of the Token before it Bonds.
You can get a segment at:
a month ago
a month ago
This is a false statement. Dev only bought with HISS and meowereum.algo wallets.
a month ago
Why is the dev buying Tinycat with new wallets just to force bond the ASA, lol 😂
a month ago
See details:
a month ago
Dev will pair LP all tokens with various projects.
a month ago
Meow 😹
Block Made byVestige Labs