Anyone fancy pumping ponko mc is super low rn good meme solid dev
a month ago
Some people aren't selfish and want community success. Some people or should I say most people only give a shit about themselves
a month ago
Once it goes live on vestige big trading bots pump it if u wanna try fruad ur way to steal some algo make that the place to take it from lol
a month ago
The point is we should be winning together growing algo not stealing little bits off eachother and frauding your way through it. It's really not hard at all for a bunch of us to get a coin bonded if everyone would stop tryna drop bombs
a month ago
Yall would never survive SOL level volume if defeats like this happen. It’s rug ninja after all. It’s all a risk, open and free market. It’s the Wild West and always has been, always will be. You either adapt or get smoke tbh. You don’t have to get into this game but you all choose to. Know the risks. Be careful and lock in your profits.
See you all on the $Silk Road
a month ago
>>2718938172 i am down for that. we need such a group. i will not invest more algos here. unless i know there are real and good folks behind the project. lesson learned
a month ago
Was probably same people that did mage or something 😕
His deleted his x now anyone make a group for legit algo folk to push coins I'd help push but everyone's to scared of these ruggers so they just dump anyway
a month ago
It’s an open and free market. This shit happens all the time. Learn your lessons, don’t hate on anyone but yourself. Sad but that’s the way it’s been. 🐫
a month ago
Sorry his X
a month ago
What i wanna know is why he had a bunch of ogs following his telegram
a month ago
i dont trust anyone and i dont have many algos to spare. been trying rug ninja for two weeks now. it sucks. best way is to wait for coins to dump on vestige than buy. here 95% rug pulls. i lost more than 2k here. i still think its fun and good for algorand transactions.
a month ago
Bob marley man u proper trust this guy 🤣 Im going for a smoke sick of having algo nicked by these solana scumbags 😭
a month ago
>>2718908559 this is not true. i sold after everone lost interest and took the loss.
a month ago
instead of a launchpad - this is a rugpad. we deserve much better than this algofam
>>2718892991 You've rugged several projects yourself.
a month ago
Not buying nothing on here In future unless its coming from someone who uses rug ninja regularly and I see buying and talking in the comments. There's a shit ton of scammers coming from sol to try rob our algo we need to band together could we maybe make a tele group and all join it so we know what going and what's not and weather it's someone taking part here
a month ago
Dev already sold on you fuckers. Big win for dev, you all losers 😂😂
dev sold lol fuck this platform i am starting a new one. where you can just buy. not sell before bonding without big penalty. if someone wants to help me just say
>>2718831132 No panic , waiting for a more convenient entry
a month ago
all cool dev...chilling and smoking. keep up the good work
a month ago
>>2718831132 Don't panic guys Dev isn't going anywhere
a month ago
>>2718831132 he is testing waters haha and then buying bigger
a month ago
It’s an open and free market. Let them all do as they please. If your conviction is here, stick with it. If you wanna del, do that too. That’s he crypto space and always has been